Monday, June 05, 2006

Garron Point, 2-3 June, 2006

The annual training weekend at Garron Point - a few highlights:

Hugh prepared the beds for the night, made sure we all had plenty to drink at the pub, cooked perfect pheasant eggs, and STILL looked good climbing the hills - the perfect host in every way.
One for me, and one for the other 14 of you And then in 1863, my father emigrated from Poland to become a lapdancer in Belfast... Gobble, gobble! Aah, at least we have the weather

After a night of hard drinking, Davy M prepared for a night of passion with his latest inflatable love-interest. Next morning, Tom swore he didn't know how those friction burns got on his sleeping bag, despite looking rather pleased with himself.
At the pub Still at the pub I thought this was sheep-shaped Em... Tom in his sleeping bag

Mervyn nearly spoiled all the fun by not bringing his bike and breaking up the party, so imagine the surprise we got on the roof of the old coast guard station at Tor Head. Ronnie was there in body, but his mind was obviously on how he could rent himself out the highest bidder.
The old coastguard station at Tor Head Ronnie for Rent

Lyle kept the whole group entertained with his impressive wheelies, until the inevitable happened to that poor back wheel, and he spent the rest of the trip trying to stop it from caving in completely.
Lyle and a Wheelie That hill - again Lyle AFTER the wheelie

Paddy showed his naivety in the world of professional sports sponsorship - always show the logo, man - the logo!! Meanwhile, Liam insisted it wasn't about the bike, but he had cause to complain alright as one of his plums was damaged.
Paddy Takes a Slurp Liam rolls with it

All in all, a superb weekend's crack, and hopefully good preparation for the fun to be had on the Transalp Challenge.
the Garron 8 Does Tom EVER stop talking?! On the coast road

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