Monday, May 08, 2006

Seven Stanes Heaven

Saturday 6 May was a glorious day in Kirroughtree, Scotland. It proved to be Tango's perfect opportunity to carve up "The White Witch", the trail that broke his arm in December (thereby inspiring the Transalp Challenge adventure), with a virtuoso performance on a fully rigid bike.

Two laps of the black run, with a brief interval for baked potatoes and cheese, was just about enough pedalling to work up an appetite for Chinese food in Stranraer on the way home.
Tango gets his revenge on the trail that broke his arm Tango prepares to attack Tango about to fall into the river


Anonymous said...

Tango has informed me that he's very happy with the CK works courtesy bike.
And as his next bike (again CK works prepared) nears completion I have informed him he will need an leg length increase of at least 2" to avoid top tube/nuts interaction

All the best CK

Anonymous said...

He would have to sew them back on first.